Thursday, July 30, 2009

Well I am 52 yrs old today. Do I feel older? Nope! Do I feel younger? Nope. Feel about the same as i did yesteday and the day before that. I feel compelled to read more and more as i age though as if I need more info to take with me to my next life so that I won't repeat the errors I have made in this one.
Blessed be all

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dad's liver isn't filtering his blood. Only at 43%. I don't understand what this means. Time to do some research.

Monday, July 27, 2009

After spending a bit of time in the wild, (I camped in the rain on the weekend) I think I kinda like this tenting thing! Ok sure no 1200 thread count sheets, but my coffee press worked excellently! Hmm something to muse about further I do think.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Went camping in the rain. Had a blast. Much to be said for building you own campire. Took 15 minutes to do Jiffy Pop!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

President Obama

I was reading today the many comments from ignoramouses and intellegents alike about the latest controversy about what your President has said, or did and thought hello might as well add my 2 cents!

Okay so I am Canadian and who gives a crap what I think right?
Well this is my blog and this is my opinion so deal with it!

First of all, President Obama is breaking new ground each and every moment of his Presidency. Everything he says and does is newsworthy, though it does border on the ridiculous sometimes what gets you fellow Americans up in arms! Yes he's black. So what! I'm white with black ancestry! So What? He's the most intellegent caring man I've seen step up to the podium since Abe Lincoln. Okay I didn't see him (Abe) as I wasn't born that long ago, but he has the same bearing, the same moral standards as old Abe. He feels it too and wake up people you should also!

You are so lucky to have this man as the helm of your country yet your eyes are blinded to this fact! Let the old hatreds go. Your ancestors were the ones who put them in slavery in the first place. You should be so proud that despite all you did to repress this great nation of people, they have risen above your hatreds and one of their own has become your leader. Respect him as your President.

Ring of Lost Souls and Lineage on Sale

Its never been a better time to buy one of my books! Go to and you can buy (FOR TODAY ONLY) my two books at a super low price of only $6.99 each. They usually sell for $29.99 each!