Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Resolutions and Absolutions

Do you make a list of things you want to change, give up, do better in the new year? I used too. Now I just hope for the best:) Of couse there are the usual, lose weight, quit smoking (Again!) reduce debt but what about our own spirituality? Do we add this to our list? Do we try more to live in the present instead of the past or spend any precious moments we're given worrying about the future? This is my goal for 2010 - forget about the usual and strive toward the unusual. Turn off the distracting television, I am sick of their version of reality anyway, and turn on peaceful music, painting on my Buddha board, living in the moment and treasuing life more. If I could you all any gift, it would be this. Be Zen, be peaceful, be loving, be kind and do not hate. Leave those things behind you and look forward. Breathe and stay grounded. Peace and love to you all.

Toward a New Year

Christmas takes so much time to prepare for. All the wrapping, the purchasing of that special somethings for the people you love, the baking the cleaning, and then within moments is over and you are left feeling a bit empty. The thrill of Christmas Eve has stayed with me since I was old enough to remember it. It's magical. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could keep that magical, positive spirit active year round? The kindness of people on this one special night is something that would make our world a peaceful place. It was very hurtful to hear that another Canadian soldier died on Christmas Eve. With previous wars, you knew your enemy. He wore a different uniform and on this special night, a peace was garnered and adhered too. Now, the enemy is dressed like everyone else. He/she may be a child, a woman or a young man. The same face, the same eyes, the same hatred buried deep within from centuries of killing each other, and peace is not a word that cleanses their hearts. So sad that humanity has fallen so far. We should never have stepped into this war. It is not for us to tell a country how to live. This type of so called democracy has never worked before when invasion is part of the plan. It will never work no matter how many people die. When will man listen???

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back from the Land of the FLU

So much hype around this H1N1 flu bug that I put it down to a government conspiracy and let it go at that not thinking I too would succomb to its long reaching talons and become ill as well.
I am fortunate I had quite a few symptoms but did not require hospitalization. Still 2 weeks later the cough still assails me and I am continually grabbing cough syrup or cough candies to still the tickle and deep seated chest cold.
Oh the ghost is gone by the way! I didn't realize I kinda left it all hanging way back Sept 22nd. I have been so busy of late I have really neglected my wordsmith here :)
I had to smudge the house from top to bottom and had a couple interesting meditations until I realized the message this ghost was trying to give me. Okay maybe not a true message but one that told me that my journey, my road to enlightenment is not over. I have not come full circle yet. The Goddess Tara is with me. I need to find out more about her and her all seeing eyes in her palms. What does it mean that I saw this in my own palm during meditation? I have never experienced this before. I am weird! lol

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Ghost in the House

Yes, it is true. My house is being visited by an unknown ghost. I have no problem writing this as I feel like another door has been opened to me metaphysically speaking. Last night it gave me a vision in front of me of a notepad and pen. Okay so I am to write for you be your voice? It makes me think of Ruth Montgomery the author who in the 70's penned a few books. She was connected to her spirit guides who spoke to her whilst she was in a trance like state through her typewriter. Mine is not even close to her setup but I get the distinct feeling this ghost or entity needs to talk to me and the notebook may be our link.
Stayed tuned. I am about to embark on a whole new road it appears.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Survival of the Fittest and not so fit

I survived the writing weekend (again) but I know in my bones I'll not do this again. The writing suffers so much that in the end you sometimes have something extremely good or ultimately horrendous! Guess which one mine ended up being? Yes it was ballet jump off a high jagged cliff but I didn't give up. Even after two days of almost writing no words at all, day 3 I pulled off a marathon and managed to type up 61 pages. A far cry from my usual 90-100 pages.

So I have decided to write as writers write, something everyday be it, one page, 100 words or 3000 words I will plan and research and despite having 3 books and a fourth on the way published this will be "the book". Stay tuned to see if I procrastinate about ths idea as well :)

Saturday, September 5, 2009


I am missing a heroine! I am stuck. OMG HELP! Lol

Friday, September 4, 2009

Book Writing Weekend

I am on the cusp of another marathon writing experiment, where I push my small intellectual brain to the max until I almost reach the tipping point and then pull back exhausted yet elated that I, once again, was able to pull it off. Okay breathe...sorry that was a very long first line wasn't it!
Now I have taken the time to do a wee bit of research and have a very sketchy outline. I hate it! So I am thinking of another book angle while I work today and ... yes I hate it too! So now what to do ...what to do?

Well if you are reading this, you know what I am going to say. I'll just do the same thing I do every time I write like this...wing it! Whatever comes to mind is what I'll write about. Goddess help me and those around me who once again will be tip-toeing around me like barefeet on broken glass as I'll be a monster in training until Sunday night when all is said and done. Monday is re-write day. Can I really do this again? I have no idea. Stay tuned....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I am trying to gear myself up for this annual foray into writing insanity. I've done it five times before and thought hey, why not, try it again.
Now that the writing weekend is a couple weeks away I've started a couple outlines.
I want it to be fast paced (always) not much filler all meat! Spy's and counter intellegence lost scrolls or trolls lol.
My family looks at me with trepidation when I announce that I am doing this "again" and they know my poor husband will pay the price of someone who writes for 13-16 hours straight and sleeps for a few hours more and finishes a book. Insane yes, empowering omg yes! I recommend everyone do this at least once in their lives. Who knows you might win the contest though for me, its about finishing...typing "THE END" and then seeing what happens.

Friday, August 21, 2009


We talk about global warming being responsible for the storm seasons, the velocity and ferocity of them. Then there are the double digit "hurricanes" we deal with which are churning in the oceans every year now. I say we as the global community not just Canada. The tornados that touched down last night around dinner time were never heard of when I was a kid. It was something that happened in the Wizard of Oz or the land of OZ - The USA. Is it just global warming though? I have looked up many times into a clear blue sky and wonder just who exactly is controlling the weather? We have read about weather manipulation tests. What happens when man's lust for scientific one upmanship causes storms such as these all year round? How would humanity recover from that? It would devastate the ability to grow food, to survive.

Joyce Morrison, a journalist wrote this in 2004, "The unusual amount of email regarding the modification of the weather theory piqued my interest and I began to dig a little deeper. Natures intense power can leave devastation in its path, but with help, it could turn into a weapon of mass destruction."

As proof of weather modification she also wrote in the same article found at

"SB 517 says: It is the purpose of this Act to develop and implement a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modification policy and a national cooperative Federal and State program of weather modification research and development, "

So we are not hallucinating there is something dark going on and its not just the clouds blocking out the sun. And there is this tidbit , "Weather War New evidence suggests US & Russia are embroiled in an illegal race to harness the power of hurricanes & earthquakes. An October 8, 2005 The Daily Express (U.K.) - 2005-07-16 news article gave the following information: "

Uh huh .... hmmm well isn't this information interesting people! Heads up , be aware and don't be blinded to the truth.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Bach was an amazing composer. We all know this. One of his quotes was, "There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself."

Hah! Well easier said than done in my opinion. In my case, it is allowing your brain to agree with your fingers that is the right key and be sure of it. It is the inability to be secure in your knowledge that you can play this. Stop over-thinking it dammit!

I did receive honours on my exam but it isn't good enough so next time I will do my best to memorize the pieces and not lose marks. I had getting old lol

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Raw Food Diet

I was checking into this new fad. I call it a fad, because they all are aren't they!
So you eat 75% raw (uncooked) food. Hmmm.... well ya'll know me well and know I can't stand veggies most of the time unless it's carrots, peas, corn or potatoes then I am good :) So when I read up about bean sprouts and cabbage and raw mushrooms well that pretty much sealed the deal. Will I be taking the 100 day challenge? NOPE! lol - I will however try to eat more veggies and fruit. I would like to get off my medications if possible. I know by losing weight my BP and cholesterol will decrease enough that I won't have to take medications for it. Here's hoping I can make some positive changes.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Man's Stupidity

How long will it be before "man" figures out that war, military, extremism, occupation and repression of others doesn't work? Nobody wins in a war, there are only losers. It has not changed for thousands of years, just the means by which we kill each other. Remove the politics and religion and we will have Valhalla (heaven on earth).

For the earth's population to survive, we must, MUST, go back to a matriarchial society. Men running things doesn't work. They've had enough time to figure it out and still they are warmongers. They don't know how to practice non violence. It is inbred I believe.

Israel, Palestine, Tibet, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somolia, and the list goes on and on. One dies another pops up to take their place. Their goal is to kill and perhaps to die a martyr. I shake my head and hope in their next life they live a life of peace.

In addition to wars, there are the men who abuse their wives, their children, other peoples children. Our world is sick and its dying. Men make the mistake of believing that women "Need" them to surive. We don't! We don't even need them to procreate anymore though doing so with them is much nicer :)

Women know and practice the sacred circle daily whether they realize it or not. A few "in the know men" join in and recognize the right path and follow it. So few do.

Oh we Canadians!

What is Canadian's favourite passtime? Oh come on now you know it! Of course - its discussing the weather. Be it freezing cold, damp from too much rain or like the past couple of days scorching hot, we Canadians love to complain about the weather.
Is it asking too much for a nice 72-74 degree day? A nice light breeze, a cloudless sky? Oh yeah, I live in Ontario. Hello! No such thing lol

Friday, August 14, 2009

I just Feel like it!

Okay I just feel like blogging today. And who came up with that name anyway? God it's dumb! Journaling makes more sense doesn't it? I am blog, clog, eggnog who gives a shit lol.
Okay I am in a rare mood. Contemplating my next book. It will be a good one. Three part story with three characters all intertwined. The power of three. Never under-estimate it.

My Mother in law whom I love very much burnt herself last night with scalding hot water because my father in law doesn't like to change things like lower counters or make the floors higher! She is in a wheelchair. If the sink had been lower or her higher then she wouldn't be in the hospital now. Frustrates the hell out of me when a little effort would make someone elses life so much easier why we just don't f'ing do it!!!

Exams when you get old!

Where does the rention go after 40? Probably same place my metabolism disappeard too! I am sitting in a waiting room in a church to boot waiting to take my Grade 1 piano exam. Haha you say Grade1, but just to put it into perspective 5 more grades and I can teach!
I look around at the 3 other "little girls" waiting to take their turn after me because the examiner is way behind. They all hold books for grades 2, 3, and 6 if you can imagine! They look at my Books with the lowest grade on it, their eyes wide and I can hear them thinking wow i wonder how many times she's had to take that exam!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Obsessed and Possessed!

I have had the displeasure of having someone come into my life that I wish hadn't. We all have. The thorn in your side that just won't go away! The bottom of the barrell scrapings that rise up and try to choke you. You try to ignore them, you delete them from places like Facebook and block them from email and instant message systems and still they while away their days trying to find ways around your safeguards to get at you again. Why? Who the hell does this?
What makes people become so obsessive? What makes a soul turn dark so that all it wishes to do in this life is manipulate and cause pain to others?
I don't understand it. I believe in harm none. I believe in the goodness in others but sometimes there is so little goodness inside, hidden by so much darkness that there is no way you can reach these people and turn them around.
I wonder to what lengths a person will go? Will you hear about it in the news when they cross the line 99% of us will never consider crossing? I don't know. I refuse to even consider it. Her ways are harmless in that sense. Yes this person pushes buttons and defames my name, stalks my family and seems to have no rules that apply to her. I also believe in the laws of the universe though, and all you send out whether it be bad or good, comes back 10 times as it should.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

It is only one person's Perception!

I have realized through my study of the tarot and now the runes that if we follow our own intuition the outcome will always be the answers you are seeking. If we all follow the written guides to learn who or what the cards and runes represent, we are following the interputations of one person or a collection of people and not our own intuition. It's like the Bible. Great stories to be used as a guide for our lives, not to be taken literally. Same goes for learning the forms of divination. Humans are fallable, we're not machines so we make it fit, we make it work. But what works for some will possibly not work for me or you. If cards weren't so mass marketed we could make our own sets. Each one of us will be given 78 blank cards, minor and major arcanas will remain the same as far as the numbering but the rest will be to your own choosing even the names on the cards. Remember when we divine the divine, we need symbolism that will resonate with our souls light up our minds and hearts. Someone else's artwork and meanings, we will find it difficult to put to memory unless we take course after course. Not so if you create your own. The magic will be high and the readings worthy of your craft. Just a thought. Perhaps I will do just that! Stayed tuned....

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Reality vs Religon

What is it about some people's concept of GOD that makes these certain people insane? What makes them so insecure in their faith they attack others who don't believe in the way they feel we should? If it were up to the so called christians today, the inquisitions would begin anew! I know of one person who would lead the charge making sure every witch or wiccan like me, is strung up and burnt at the stake again. God and Goddess help us all.
So in the name of "GOD" we have raped, pillaged, burned down cities and towns, eradicated the female populous in some cities and regaled our sex to subserviant roles for centuries. Bravo!!!
Now that we stand up and say ...hey wait a sec way you are going to treat me like this, some religous zealots (YES WOMEN TOO) tell us we are wrong to question, we are wrong to want the betterment of man and womankind by following the old ways of natural healing and magic, we must follow their way or get on the highway quick before they catch us and silence us forever.
What have they learned from the Churches past mistakes (that they are still atonning for) ? Their horrors inflicted upon the innocent? From my view... not a damned thing.

Parry Sound

One and a half hours north lies a small town called Parry Sound. Mom and Dad were both born there. Laurie and Jim were born there also. Their families were some of the first founding families in the area. Our great-great grandfather Zachariah Watts a emanscapated mulatto slave settled there with his wife Annebelle McDougall and had 14 children. He was also a school board trustee for 2 terms that I could find.
We have alot of history there and everytime I go back there the familiarity of my time living there from age 1.5 to age 6 comes back in a rush.
We were on original Frazer land. Mom's dad was Fitzgerald Frazer II. His father by the same name came from Ireland and died when my grandfather was still in the womb. Grampa died young too when Mom was only 13 yrs old. Gramma Watts Frazer never re-married.
Many many years later Mom's brother Robert (Bobby) Uncle Bob to us bought the land and he was so excited about owning it. He bought a big trailer and set up camp. He came up as often as possible and planned to retire there by building a home. Life got in the way and his health deteriorated. He now has MS and is in a wheelchair. He sold the trailer and today we helped him pack up. He wept and so did we knowing how much leaving this land forever means to him. We all love him so very much.

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Runes

On another more positive subject, now that I've caught my breath, slowed my racing heart and both eyes are facing forward again (lol) I've decided after a couple years of being lazy, I am going to study the ancient Fulkirk Runes again.
I could only remember 3 of them. Not very good!

There is FEOH - - Odd shaped letter F - means Cattle or back then meaning you were wealthy because you could afford cattle! Also means (from memory so correct me) giving a gift, receiving a gift.

There is RAD - Looks like a letter R - means a journey. A moving forward

and GEOFU - which looks like a letter X - a union or partnership of some kind. Could mean a wedding a joining of two equals...

so you see I'm back to square one. I hope one day to master them and give you all readings!


It really pisses me off to no end when I read shit in the news that is supposed to throw cold water on our economic recovery. In one breath- we're not in a recession in another oh God more jobs lost. HEllo! There are always job losses! Businesses change, but ppl keep buying products and the economy does just fine! Why do they insist on keeping the country, not just ours, but globally in a state of panic? In a state of fear? Shut them off! Shut them all off! They make millions because we tune in, we react. Don't tune in please. Banks are making billions of dollars in profits because we think its okay to pay a fee to withdraw money we earned! Not them. OMG I have to shut up or else I'll disappear from this earth mysteriously or die from some illness easily explained and it won't be natural at all!
The minions who run the world and its banking system are counting on us mundanes to follow along blindly to whatever is said to us. They lead us around by the nose and we don't even realize it! Wake up ppl! Its not exaactly the Matrix but its close I believe. We are bombarded with noise until we don't even remember what we watched. Nothing moves us anymore we've become apathetic robotic symbols of our former selves.
Get outside go up north, get away. Live, slow down, breathe, live.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy Anniversary Tim

Well today my hubby and I have been married 21 years. Time has flown by and it certainly doesn't feel as though we've been a couple this long but its true. I think the reason we've done so well is because the love is still there. He tells me many more times than I tell him and I love it. We still hold hands and he's very loving and attentive. He's a slob in his bathroom and the rest of the house but hey,,, he works 2 jobs and rarely has any time off. So I keep my mouth shut. I love him very much. He is my life.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


There is something to be said about camping in a tent vs camping in a trailer. After 2 weekends in a tent. - omg give me walls and an inside bathroom. Bugs! What the hell? The flies they bite you, spiders bite you, mosquiotes bit you. I look like I have chicken pox! lol
Will I camp again? Oh hell ya!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Well I am 52 yrs old today. Do I feel older? Nope! Do I feel younger? Nope. Feel about the same as i did yesteday and the day before that. I feel compelled to read more and more as i age though as if I need more info to take with me to my next life so that I won't repeat the errors I have made in this one.
Blessed be all

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dad's liver isn't filtering his blood. Only at 43%. I don't understand what this means. Time to do some research.

Monday, July 27, 2009

After spending a bit of time in the wild, (I camped in the rain on the weekend) I think I kinda like this tenting thing! Ok sure no 1200 thread count sheets, but my coffee press worked excellently! Hmm something to muse about further I do think.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Went camping in the rain. Had a blast. Much to be said for building you own campire. Took 15 minutes to do Jiffy Pop!!!

Friday, July 24, 2009

President Obama

I was reading today the many comments from ignoramouses and intellegents alike about the latest controversy about what your President has said, or did and thought hello might as well add my 2 cents!

Okay so I am Canadian and who gives a crap what I think right?
Well this is my blog and this is my opinion so deal with it!

First of all, President Obama is breaking new ground each and every moment of his Presidency. Everything he says and does is newsworthy, though it does border on the ridiculous sometimes what gets you fellow Americans up in arms! Yes he's black. So what! I'm white with black ancestry! So What? He's the most intellegent caring man I've seen step up to the podium since Abe Lincoln. Okay I didn't see him (Abe) as I wasn't born that long ago, but he has the same bearing, the same moral standards as old Abe. He feels it too and wake up people you should also!

You are so lucky to have this man as the helm of your country yet your eyes are blinded to this fact! Let the old hatreds go. Your ancestors were the ones who put them in slavery in the first place. You should be so proud that despite all you did to repress this great nation of people, they have risen above your hatreds and one of their own has become your leader. Respect him as your President.

Ring of Lost Souls and Lineage on Sale

Its never been a better time to buy one of my books! Go to and you can buy (FOR TODAY ONLY) my two books at a super low price of only $6.99 each. They usually sell for $29.99 each!