Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Back from the Land of the FLU

So much hype around this H1N1 flu bug that I put it down to a government conspiracy and let it go at that not thinking I too would succomb to its long reaching talons and become ill as well.
I am fortunate I had quite a few symptoms but did not require hospitalization. Still 2 weeks later the cough still assails me and I am continually grabbing cough syrup or cough candies to still the tickle and deep seated chest cold.
Oh the ghost is gone by the way! I didn't realize I kinda left it all hanging way back Sept 22nd. I have been so busy of late I have really neglected my wordsmith here :)
I had to smudge the house from top to bottom and had a couple interesting meditations until I realized the message this ghost was trying to give me. Okay maybe not a true message but one that told me that my journey, my road to enlightenment is not over. I have not come full circle yet. The Goddess Tara is with me. I need to find out more about her and her all seeing eyes in her palms. What does it mean that I saw this in my own palm during meditation? I have never experienced this before. I am weird! lol